We've been in the Airstream for a week now! I can already tell how much happier Ben is being out of the apartment. We've accomplished so much since we've gotten in here. We built new kitchen cabinets.. well, they aren't really cabinets. More like we built a new support for the kitchen counter top, but whatever! I built our brass bridge sink and we got the majority of our belongings organized into this tiny space. I was seriously overwhelmed at first but day by day we have managed to put away or get rid of anything that we didn't need. After the kitchen got put together, we were finally able to turn the water on. We're using our shower for storage for now because the showers where we are staying are AMAZING. We're really lucky to have found a spot on a military camp-ground. We take Bucklee to the dog park that is here almost everyday and he loves being able to outside so much. I'm not sure if I'll eventually feel like I'm over this "camping" lifestyle, but for now it's been a pretty great experience. I'm glad to be done with school so that I can start focusing all my energy on the projects I have in mind! I'm so excited for y'all to see everything come together!
The outside of the camper kills me a little inside every time I look at it. I'm dying to get rid of that "bronzy-tan" stripe. Hopefully I can convince Ben to let us do that sometime soon!
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