Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Baby Dehne [13 Weeks]

How Far Along:  13 weeks, 1 day

Weight Loss/Gain: At my doctors appointment I weighed 113 so -2lbs. Thanks nausea! I'm really not complaining. I went and stuffed my face after that!

Sleep:  I like the idea of naps, but apparently can't get myself to actually take one. I fall asleep between 9-10 and don't wake up until 9-10 so..... I'm lazy basically.

Movement: Nothing yet! My Mom said she felt me at 14 weeks. I'm hoping to pay close attention to see if I feel any little bubbles but most women don't feel their first baby until about 18-20 weeks.

Cravings/Aversions: I could eat Subway for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I've had it three days in a row.

What I Miss: Nothing right now! Life is peachy! Oh, I miss my Mom. But that's always a given.

Wedding Rings: On and loose. Hoping I can keep them on the entire pregnancy!

Mood: A little less cranky. But I go straight from full to hangry. Ben is learning that he needs to keep me fed.

Milestones: I'm in my second trimester! Woah. And my next appointment is scheduled one month from today. I'll be halfway then! I can't believe how fast it's going! 

Best Moment this Week: Hearing baby's heartbeat. We didn't get to see an ultrasound this week. But hopefully soon!

Upcoming Appointments/Events: My next real Dr.'s appointment isn't until the 10th of June. That is the appointment where we will find out if Baby D is a he or a she! They do all the anatomy scans to make sure everything is measuring as it should be. I'm excited for that because I feel like we will get to watch babe for a long time while the tech gets all the info! 

I also bought a few cloth diapers. I'm so excited! Yep, we're going full hippie over here.

Looking forward to: Hopefully we can make an appointment at an ultra sound place here in SD to find out the gender in 2 weeks instead of 4! I am getting really impatient! Although, it would be wise for Ben to wait because that is the only thing holding me back from buying a ton of stuff!

Baby's Development: Baby can put their fingers in his or her mouth and is about 3 inches long, the size of a clementine orange! Baby's head is more proportionate to the rest of their body. If baby D is a she, her ovaries have over 2 million eggs already! Fingerprints and toeprints are now fully formed. 

It's not really a "baby" bump, more like I just ate 1/2 a Subway sandwich and a cup of soup. 
I thought I should start now before I forget what it feels like to fit into these jean shorts!
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