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24 Weeks |
Weight Loss/Gain: I'm at about (I say about because I only fully trust the Dr.'s scale) 122. (+7 from pp) But I know that number will start going up real soon! According to a pregnancy weight chart I found online, I should be at a minimum of 129 for this week. Obviously, that's not the case but both me and baby are perfectly healthy!
Sleep: I downloaded this track to listen to by Katherine Graves. It's actually a hypnobirthing meditation but it is supposed to help you relax at night before you go to sleep. Ben despises it. The other night I tried it for the first time and I ended up sleeping in the next morning, but who knows if they are related! I guess we'll see if it actually helps me make it through labor.
Movement: Still moving lots! It's fun to watch from the outside now. I'm a little paranoid so I make sure to really notice every time she moves. And if I don't feel her after a while I'll push her around so she has to move around to get comfortable again. I'm so mean!
Cravings/Aversions: Nothing different here! Lots of protein for sure.
What I Miss: Nothing this week! But I'm sure I'll miss my pre-pregnancy bladder on our 22+ hour drive to Nebraska this weekend.
Mood: I've felt really happy and motivated lately. Today I cleaned and did laundry and organized a lot of stuff. That's been my routine lately. Does that count as nesting?
Milestones: Baby girl has hit viability! It's crazy how much a week can change things. Last week her odds of survival outside the womb were about 10-35%. This week it's jumped up to 40-70%! But I'm grateful that all is well and she is more than welcome to stay and cook for as long as she'd like!
Baby's Development: Baby girl weighs a pound and a half! That's about a 4 oz increase from last week & she's about as long as an ear of corn. Now that her inner ear is more developed she can tell if she is right side up or upside down! Although, I can't really tell yet, unless she's kicking me! Her lungs are producing surfactant so that she can breathe on her own when the time comes. Which I feel like is getting closer and closer by the minute!
Mom's Development: I feel like my development over the past two weeks has been more mental than physical. I'm starting to think more about birth and the whole process. I know everyone has their own idea about how birth should go. Although I do have a plan in mind, I understand that things don't always go the way they should so as long as the end result is a healthy baby I'll be happy! I've been doing some prenatal yoga and I love it! I love the positive affirmations about a woman's ability to bring life into the world. It's so wonderful! Maybe that's a little naive of me to say at this point. But I feel that if you bring a positive attitude to a situation you're automatically going to be in a better place than if you bring negativity and fear. So let's keep the birth horror stories to ourselves, shall we? (:
Looking forward to: I signed up for birth classes, yay me! They start as soon as we get back from our trip to Nebraska. Which is what I'm really excited about!! Can't wait to spend a couple weeks with the Dehne side of my family!
Ben got my this shirt for my birthday and I'm slightly obsessed.
I went on a rant a few days ago about living in a camper and having "enough" room for a baby (which if you didn't get, there is plenty of space!) I felt like this was the most perfect thing ever. Because no matter where we may go in our Airstream it will always be a home for us. Comfort points for this beauty as well!
There was a nice jump in size from 20 weeks to 23 weeks! Babe did lots of growing (doubled in size!) at that time and somewhere in the middle of it all I really popped!
PS. Bucklee is a great prenatal yoga supporter.
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