Tuesday, April 02, 2013

We're Engaged!

So, contrary to what some of you may believe this is actually NOT an April Fool's joke! 
We are getting married!

Ben asked me this Easter Sunday before he left on his six hour drive back to San Diego. Booo.

We have been planning on getting married for a while now and this weekend I was getting a little impatient. Ben had several plans to propose during the weekend, but I, unknowingly ruined them all with my infamous plan changes. (My Mom can tell you all about how much she hates when I do that.) As I was laying on the floor whining about getting engaged (typical Kylie), Ben comes over and sits down on the floor with me. At this point, he had totally realized how pathetic I was and decided to put me out of my misery. (: It was simple, sweet, intimate, and all that I needed because
I was engaged!

This evening at Delta Zeta's weekly chapter meeting, I got to tell all of my amazing sisters at a surprise ceremony that I was getting married. So fun! I'm so grateful to have such a huge group of girls that I can share something so special with. 

I am truly blessed.
Thank you to all of you who have wished us well!
I promise to keep you updated!

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