Monday, April 22, 2013

Two More Weeks!

Fun Fact: If I didn't have a planner, I'd be completely lost. Basically, my entire life is in it and I wouldn't remember to do anything if I didn't write it down in there. 

Some pretty awesome things are happening right now! 
1.) We got a house! Yay!! Technically it's an apartment... details. 
I am so relieved to have that stress taken care of. Ben and I spent hours and hours on the phone looking at places online. Let me just say, trying to find somewhere to live when you can't actually go see it is super aggravating. But, I put my faith in Ben and we decided on a great place that he went and checked out. (I must REALLY love him, huh?) 
I can't wait to get there are start decorating and doing all my Pintrest inspired crafts. 
I have this idea in my head that once I get to California I will have all this motivation. Yeah, we'll see how that goes. Wish me luck!
2.) As if getting a place together and being out on my own (like a real adult) wasn't enough, we decided to get a puppy. A so-freaking-adorable-I-want-to-bite-his-face-off-beacuse-he's-so-cute puppy. so-freaking-adorable-I-want-to-bite-his-face-off-beacuse-he's-so-cute
Ben will be driving out with Bucklee and I can't wait to meet him! 
(Lots of pictures to come!) 
3.) So this isn't quite as interesting but it is a big achievement. In ONE WEEK I will be done with my first year of college. I literally don't know where the time went. I have one more project, five discussion posts,one quiz, and three two one finals nothing left! (because that was pertinent information.)
4.) And most importantly, in just two more weeks Ben and I will be married! I am so excited, I can barely stand it. I'm even more excited that I'll get to see him in just TEN days. It will have been over a month since I've seen him and although that is longer than we normally have to wait, I know it isn't very long in the grand scheme of things. 
I am SO lucky to be marrying such an amazing man and I can't wait to be Mrs. Dehne. 


Those of you who know me know that I always talked about how I would absolutely NEVER live in California. 
Well, I guess you really should never say never. If I've learned anything over this past year, it's that you have no idea where your life will take you. You just have to sit back and enjoy the ride. (:

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