Guys. I'm actually really excited because I just cut my own bangs. I seriously think I blacked out when I made the first cut because I honestly CANNOT remember it for the life of me, but I'm so happy with the way they turned out!
I needed a change and apparently pregnancy just makes me want to chop off my hair because I cut it pretty short back when I was pregnant with Caisley! This time I just followed a tutorial on YouTube (can't you learn anything off there?) and made due with some old craft scissors. Hair dressers all over the world are cringing. I know, I know. But a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. And I think this "do" turned out pretty well if I do say so myself. This is my blog so I'll brag if I want to!
Another thing that's making me feel all kinds of warm and fuzzy on the inside (aside from it already feeling like Death Valley outside, seriously how am I going to survive the heat this summer?!) is my closet! Or I guess, the lack there of. Minimalism is as big in my life as it is on Pinterest right now. Ever since our camper days I've been purging. I've managed to implement it in most aspects of our lives but my closet was really the last frontier. I've been toying with the idea of a "capsule" wardrobe for years now. I don't know what it is about clothes that makes it so hard to give them up but dang! Getting me to toss out a faded, raggedy t-shirt was like pulling teeth.
One of my girlfriends just posted about her capsule wardrobe (check it it for giveaways and purging tips!) and it inspired me to go through and really commit to cleaning out my closet. Looking back, I definitely should have been playing Eminem. Regardless, I managed to get two full garbage bags full of my clothes out of there! That's really significant because I didn't really have a TON of clothes anyway.
I was on a roll at that point and I cleared out two bags worth of Ben's clothes too. Don't tell him though. He still hasn't noticed and he likely never will as long as we make it our little secret. Then I obviously had to reorganize to accommodate the changes I made which just put a whole "fresh and clean" feeling over the entire experience. Man, I love spring cleaning... & nesting. ;)
As far as the actual process went, I didn't follow any "rules" about building a capsule closet, which I think was my biggest downfall in the past. Instead, if I didn't love it, out it went. Getting rid of all the pieces I didn't love was really easy once I had made up my mind to commit to it. Then I went through again and got rid of multiples and things I didn't really need or didn't wear frequently enough. I had probably 37,489 t-shirts and I managed to get it down to 5 or 6! For my "everyday" style, I have about 20 key pieces. I'll be adding to it soon with more professional options as I get closer to becoming a practicing OT (yay!) but even then, I want to be mindful of what I have in my closet. I've even considered creating a uniform for myself like this art director did.
The reason I'm even sharing all of this is because I had NO idea how much this would impact my thoughts about getting ready and more importantly, my self-esteem! I really do love every piece I kept and I'm so excited to get ready for the day which is a complete 180 from how I felt before.
Implementing minimalism in my life has really done nothing but good for me. So I wanted to share it with you. We don't need more to BE more. In fact, I've found that the opposite is usually true.
I hope this post inspires you to really think about what you're holding on to in your life.
You can see more about minimalism here & some closet inspiration here!
You can see more about minimalism here & some closet inspiration here!
Happy hump day!
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