Thursday, May 19, 2016

Six Months with Caisley

Caisley is six months old! I can't believe how fast time is flying. In six more months I will have a one year old and I just don't know how to feel about that. 
So far, six months is the best. She is just so fun. I mean, can you tell what a good time we had taking these photos?

She's such a good sport about it all. I think I might be cultivating a love of flowers & I'd just be over the moon if she loved them as much as I do. That hour round trip to Trader Joe's for peonies? So worth it.

Caisley can sit up somewhat on her own. She doesn't correct herself when she starts tipping so you have to be right there to catch her if things start to go south. No crawling yet but she does do this little scoot backwards and it's adorable. She'll also slide along the floor if you put your hands behind her feet so she can push off them. I'm really not in a hurry for her to crawl yet because there is so much she can get into here at her Laylie's house! Even though she can't crawl, she is mobile! We call her walker the Toe Jammer. She literally runs up and down the house in that thing. And she'll run you over, man. Human or dog, she doesn't discriminate.

She's had a few bites of baby food which she absolutely despises. Interestingly enough, her favorite time is dinner. She loves watching us and getting a little tiny taste of whatever we're having to eat. 

Things I don't want to forget:
- How you would just sit with one or two thumbs up like you approved of what was going on around you
- How you love your baby, Suzzette the Fox (tonight she held on to her while I rocked them to sleep)
- The first kiss you ever gave to me!!

She gives kisses. And it is THE sweetest thing.

She had a doctor's appointment at the beginning of this month and we found out she is in the 2%ile for height! My little shorty girl! She's also in the 25% for weight at 14lbs. Half a year old and she's double what she weighed at birth. 
By the way, I've been kind of missing pregnancy/labor. Which is kind of amazing that your mind makes you forget how really awful terrible it is. 
Anywho! Here's the past month in photos!

The pantry is a magical place.

Our first potted flowers! Mexican Evening Primrose.

Can you feel the drama queen in that pose? ^

This month we got to see Daddy! She totally missed him. Their connection was immediate & so so sweet. We can't wait to have him home for good. About 30 or so days to go!

This perfectly sums up her feelings about baby food.

Thumbs up.

My youngest brother posted this about Caisley. 
I don't know why I think it's the funniest thing ever, but it kind of is.

Happy Half Birthday my baby!
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