Monday, April 25, 2016

Five Months with Caisley

Sorry we're late! Things have been all sorts of crazy lately. Being back in Arizona is so great but I have 1,000,000 more things to do - at least it seems that way! Caisley is FIVE months old! And if I thought she changed a lot from 3-4 months then I don't even know how to define how much she's changed from 4-5 months! She can do so many things! She's very talkative. She has the sweetest laugh. She's mastered rolling from front to back and back to front. She loves tummy time & bath time. She tries to roll over to her tummy in the bath so we have to keep the water very shallow - my little mermaid! This girl is Miss Independent. She can move all around in her walker by herself. She's incredibly interested in food and I can't wait to start feeding her next month. She always watches people eat and moves her lips around like she is the one taking bites. It's hilarious! This month we get to see Daddy! We are so excited. It's really hard not having Ben around, especially since she's changing so much! But we are really looking forward to his visit.

Things I don't want to forget:
- Your terodactyl & velosiraptor screeching
- How you hold your foot and kick my belly while you eat
- How you are so squirmy when you're naked!

You guys, being her favorite person is my favorite thing ever! When she is with someone and cries & they give her to me & she stops, I feel like I'm really winning at mom life. That was one of the biggest things I was looking forward to as a parent, and let me tell you, it's the best.

Caisley doesn't watch baby TV. If the TV is on, she isn't interested, which I really like. But that also means we spend a lot of time entertaining her! She likes a lot of sensory input when she's awake but needs help shutting it all out when she goes to bed. The blanket over the face trick works like a charm! She still sleeps with me and sometimes takes naps alone in her pack and play. 

Funny story: one night she went to bed in the pack and play and I fell asleep in bed without bringing her into it with me. When she woke up to eat (in my dazed & confused state) I thought "Oh my gosh! Did she roll off the bed into her pack and play?!" But no, she didn't. Ha!

She still wakes up one or twice to eat but goes right back to sleep so I don't really mind. 
Teething on the other hand? That's a nightmare.
We use the Hyland's Homeopathic teething tablets which seem to help the majority of the time.

Here's a few happenings from 4 to 5 months old!

2:30am? Party time.

Her face! I had to.

Easter Sunday.

Striaght chillin.

I HAD to take a photo of this because 
she kept throwing herself back for no reason.
It was hilarious! But also semi-terrifying. Such is parenthood.

Love you, bean. 
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