Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Baby Dehne [28 Weeks]

I can't believe it's been a whole month since my last pregnancy update - time is flying!

How Far Along: 28 weeks, 1 day

Weight Loss/Gain: I've gained around 15lbs now. Yikes. Saying that for everyone to hear is a little intimidating. I guess things could be worse but I don't think any girl feels good about weight gain, even if it's because of a baby (and not the Oreo thins I'm addicted to). Still no stretch marks, although I did have a dream I got a few... well, it was more like a nightmare.

Sleep: I still love my sleep! Although I am a little uncomfortable sometimes, the worst part is getting up to go pee in the middle of the night. Not so much that I have to wake up, but the physical act of getting out of bed is rough with this belly in the way! Plus, when I contract my stomach muscles my belly gets all contorted and pointy looking!

Movement: She's a mover & a shaker that's for sure! Glad to know that she is head down though. I had this fear that she was going to be breech. So hopefully she stays put!

Cravings/Aversions: Nothing interesting to report here!

What I Miss: Ben! But he get's to come home on Friday and I am THRILLED. I almost broke down in the middle of Lowe's when the FRO (family readiness organizer) called to let me know they found someone to replace him so that he doesn't have to be gone until the end of October! God is good & I am so thankful!

I've been extra emotional lately. Being alone & pregnant is super hard and depressing. I wouldn't recommend it. But I can guarantee these next few weeks will be MUCH better!

Milestones: Woah! We are in the third trimester already! How the heck did this happen so fast? Little girl tried to escape but she realized how wonderful she has it in there. 

Baby's Development: Baby is just over 2lbs and about 15inches long. Her eyes are open and blinking and she can sense light through mama's tummy. She still has a few more milestones to get through before she is ready to make her debut!

Mom's Development: I've been having lots of braxton hicks and a few contractions that actually sent me into the hospital for monitoring. I'm not dilated at all, which is a good sign, but I did have a positive FFN test result. This means that I have a 30% chance of going into labor within the next two weeks. 

So we are taking it easy and staying hydrated so that babe gets to experience the full ride! Being in the hospital two days in a row was not fun, especially because I was alone the second time. But I'm glad to know she's safe & sound. We're going to do everything we can to keep her that way! Also, my belly button is really working on trying to stick out, but I think it's just going to get even with the rest of my belly, we'll see!

Looking forward to: I'm looking forward to my birthing class on Thursday! I really love going and hearing all the other mamas and mamas-to-be talk about all things pregnancy & baby related. Also looking forward to Ben coming home & getting to spend as much time with him as possible before we be come parents! This is so surreal. I still can't believe we are having a baby. *Happy dance!*

I'm now off to face the reality of being a college student & finish up some homework I most definitely did NOT wait until the last minute to complete.

Happy Hump Day!
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