Monday, June 20, 2016

Seven Months with Caisley

We have a seven month old! Remember how everything was all sunshine and rainbows last month? Well, Caisley is making sure we have balance. Ha! Things have been a little rough. I'm trying to remind myself that nothing lasts forever and hopefully this crankiness doesn't last too much longer. Our flower photos were a bit harder to take this time. The first go-around she was way too mad to participate and during the second try she was all about eating the flowers. Hopefully carnations aren't poisonous...

She is so stinkin' close to crawling. She gets up on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth. She really wants to go but she doesn't have it down quiet yet. I'm not complaining. I know she'll be 10 times harder to keep track of once she's mobile! 

I had planned to do traditional weaning by introducing solids in the form of purees. That backfired when she made it very clear that she HATES purees. Or anything that is even remotely close to baby food. So now we are in the realm of baby led weaning. Basically we just give her a little bit of whatever we are having at dinner. It's fun to watch her decide what she likes and doesn't like. She's very expressive so she makes it pretty clear! 

I really want to get her into eating solids more regularly. Not because I'm in a hurry to stop breastfeeding - I'm totally not. It's just that I've been loosing a TON of weight keeping up with her ferocious appetite. I really don't want to loose any of my supply because I'm not getting enough to eat! 

Oh by the way, I'm over missing pregnancy & labor. But I'm sure the next time Caisley is her happy, silly self again, I'll be ready for number two!

Things I don't want to forget:
- How you wink at people!
- How you get really excited and smack your arms all around
- Your ticklish hands!

Happy seven months little lady!
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