Saturday, February 01, 2014


I am scared out of my mind. I did what I ultimately said I would never do & started my own business. After multiple trips to {& a few hundred dollars spent at} JoAnn's I am almost regretting the decision to start a company. For those of you who don't know me that well, I tend to run & jump into things with both feet & then totally do a 180° & change my mind completely. But no. I'm doing this. Maybe not exactly the way I had imagined but I know that if I work hard enough I can make this business something great. If anything, it is an outlet for my creativity & that's a bonus, right? Okay.

Behind the name: I was sitting on my couch talking to Ben about choosing a business name. He started listing things like "Darkened Angels," & "Furry Button," …. all sorts of ridiculousness. After saying "no" to every single name he came up with he finally said "Striped Peaches." I paused, & he knew he had made an impression. He was really excited that I didn't hate one of the names he had {playfully} been giving me. 
I went to work doing what I LOVE, which is graphic design, & created a little logo and title for the company. My vision and his vision did not match at all but he approved of the way it turned out.

Building the website went great. But the actual products/merchandise part….. not so much.
The past week, my house has been an absolute disaster area of failed projects. NOTHING that I have tried to do has turned out right & I'm feeling very discouraged. This self doubt has started to make its way into other aspects of the business & I've began to feel like I don't have the ability to make this a successful venture.

I almost feel like I'm not exactly being true to myself & that I am chasing after someone else's dream. 
Do you ever feel like that? You see someone successful & think wow, I could do that!
Except I don't know if this is really want I want to do…. 
 I kinda just want to be lazy.
But what the hell.
Let's give it a try. I did say I'd take risks this year

Once I figure out what the heck I'm doing, I'll let y'all know. 
warning: I may never get back to you

Can I get some feedback on the name?
Yay, nay, like it, love it, love it, leave it, change it, rearrange it?
It'd help me out a lot! I'm trying to clear my head & decide where to go from here.
Thanks for all of your love & support.
It means the world

For Wildflowers © . Design by FCD.