It was so nice to be home in AZ for the holidays this year!
Our 10 day vacation flew by and now it is already 2014.
holy cow.... How did that happen so fast?
Ben and I stepped back into reality today and started off our year by celebrating his promotion to Corporal!
I am so incredibly proud of him and all that he has accomplished with his career in the Marine Corps.
& speaking of accomplishments, I have a few planned for myself for this year!
Drink more water.
Spend less time on Pinterest and more time actually creating.
Perfect my posture.
Unplug more often.
Be more positive.
Be more patient.
Stop comparing myself to others.
{^ that could probably be number 1}
Laugh more.
Grow my relationship with God & have it reflect in all the things I say and do.
That last one is really important to me. I know I get fired up over things and I'm passionate and educated in a lot of areas but I feel like I am lacking where it matters most.
I also hope to blog more in this year. Not about wedding bouquets or my favorite tv shows but about things that really matter {although I'm sure a few of the fun ones will make their way in as well}.
Two thousand thirteen was so good to me and I
can't wait to start making 2014 count!
{side note}
since I am officially a Dehne, Ben treated me to this beauty
I definitely need to be counting my blessings daily!
kylie d. xo
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