Saturday, June 24, 2017

A Girl-Power Baby Shower

I had so much fun celebrating our second little beauty on the way! 
I had this idea that I wanted a "girl-power" theme because I just can't get over the fact that we're having another little miss! I can't wait to meet her and watch Caisley be a big sister. She's already so sweet when she rubs my belly and gives it kisses. We're still trying to get her to say the nickname we have for baby sis but I think it will be easier once she's physically here and not some abstract concept anymore. 
Thank you to everyone who came to celebrate this sweet soul I'm growing and thank you thank you to all of my friends who came to help set it all up! You are truly the best and I'm so glad both my girls have such strong and caring role models to look up to!

Thanks again!
Love, the Dehne girls.
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