Saturday, February 04, 2017

First Trimester Bumpdate

How Far Along: 13 weeks

Weight Loss/Gain: Wow! It's so true that you show earlier with your second baby! After I stopped nursing Caisley I was down to 100lbs. Which is NOT where I wanted to be. I definitely needed to gain weight and my goal is to gain as much weight as possible during this pregnancy so that I can nurse for as long as possible! A few weeks ago I was up to 107 but I'm hoping that I've gained more since then. I just haven't checked yet!

Sleep: I was so tired all day every day for a few weeks! I feel like some of that was related to the medicine I was taking for nausea. I'm off of it now and feeling much better! I'm so happy to be getting into the second trimester, getting more energy, and not feeling sick anymore!

Movement: So this is crazy and I know some people won't believe me. But I totally felt this little babe more at 9 weeks. It was just a tiny little flicker of movement. Since then I've been feeling him or her here and there. The other day I was leaning over and my pants squished my belly in a whole lot. Babe must have felt crowded because there was a big protest of movement like "Hello! Did you forget I'm in here?!"

Cravings/Aversions: I pretty much crave anything that involves us eating out. And Subway.. again.

What I Miss: I miss not waking up in the middle of the night to pee. It's happening already!

Mood: Probably pretty crabby, ha! I blame grad school.

Milestones: We are just beginning the 2nd trimester. I've had my first OB appointment (still need to schedule my second one). 
Baby's Development: Babe has hair and nails and is developing their digestive system. He or she even has taste buds now!

Looking forward to: Finding out the gender of this little babe!

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