So it's that time of year again! I actually told myself I wasn't going to make any resolutions because I didn't want to hold myself to any standards (what a way to grow, huh?). Then I realized that there is one (not the
only one, but a BIG one) area of my life where I'm really falling short. Like many people in our generation, I'm addicted to social media and my cell phone. Ew! That sounds so gross to say out loud. I don't know why it bothers me so much to face that reality but it does. So I decided to do something about it. I really want to be intentional with my time this year rather than mindlessly scrolling away. But I'm not an animal you guys and I recognize that I'm imperfect so I made myself a rule to ease my way into this transition. I'm only letting myself use my phone for social media when Caisley is napping or down for the night. Since she still naps twice a day and usually goes to bed at least two hours before I do, I think that is PLENTY of time.
In terms of being intentional, there's a lot that I want to accomplish before this baby gets here next summer! A few things on my to-do list are 1. Spray paint the chairs on my patio 2. Organize the guest room 3. Go through old baby clothes and decide what to save and what to purge 4. I really want to paint my kitchen table AND my bed frame but I'm not sure how soon I'll tackle that last one. Hopefully before next year (;
Here's to more doing!
Happy 2017!
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