Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Eleven Months with Caisley

Time flies when you're having fun!
And by fun I mean going to school full time. 
So I slacked a little and got behind on Caisley's month by month updates. 
The good news is I did get around to taking the photo at 11 months but the bad news is that it was kind of a giant blur. I don't remember a whole lot about the month which just proves why doing these is so important!

Belatedness aside, I think this post is coming just in time because pumpkins are almost out for the season!
Who else is ready for Christmas?!
But not before all the food tomorrow, right?

We'll be spending the day with our family and our little turkey.
I for one cannot wait!

Here's a few happenings from Caisley's 11th month!

This might be my favorite photos of all time.

Hope you have a happy holiday!
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