Tuesday, December 03, 2013


Being married to someone in the military is definitely an adjustment. It's hard to live hundreds or even thousands of miles away from your family. It is all the more frustrating when you can't be home for the holidays. Luckily, Ben and I have been blessed enough to have friends close by that we consider family and we were thrilled to be able to spend Thanksgiving weekend with them! 

I got to love on some babies while watching the Macy's Day Parade. 
Love, love, love, love it!

 The boys got some snuggle time in too!
One of the most attractive things about my husband is the way he interacts with kids. 
I never get tired of watching him get his fill of baby love!

Dinner was delish! I was so proud to be able to contribute!
Miranda was the mastermind behind most of the cooking but Amber and I helped out. (:
(turkey+ green bean casserole = bffs.)

(I'm not really sure what was going on here.)

Then I was stuffed. My food baby would be much cuter if it was a real baby. (;

And to work off the feast we decided to shop.
Waiting in line for the new addition to our kitchen!
So worth the 2 hour wait. This baby is getting a face lift soon!
(Stay tuned for my scariest DIY project ever!)

SnapChats for dayyyyyss.
I was nervous about not being home for Thanksgiving, but our first married Turkey Day was a huge success! 

And the countdown 'til Christmas starts...... now!

Mr. D's love and mine,

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