It's true. We are amazingly blessed in this life we are living together. I am so grateful to God for everything he has poured out to us. Lately I've been trying to find joy in everything and be thankful always. It's not easy to do in this world we live in today. Luckily I have God to guide me.
One of my favorite verses lies in Isaiah 54:10
That is one heck of a statement. It takes my breath away to realize how loved I am, and always will be.
What's amazing is that this isn't just a message for me, but for all of us.
God is Great.
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Let me share a bit about what's going on around the Dehne household!
It has been wonderful to be home with my husband after his month spent out in the field.
We're working on getting back into the swing of things.
There has been lots of movies and cuddling
(oh, and Scandal too, I'm obsessed with that show.)
We are loving the king size bed. (This gift was DEFINITELY a major blessing). Except Bucklee thinks that means there is room for him. (;
Ben got a new car! Well, new to him. It is a 2000 Pontiac Grand Prix GT in great condition.
You might ask, "Why the heck would you get that kind of car?"
Fabulous question. I don't know the answer. But he wanted it and was willing to give up the new car.
So bye bye Jetta, hello Cruze!
He also got a new phone.
I'm way jealous but it was definitely time. He suffered with a super cracked iPhone 4 for long while.
He got a 96 this week!! Whoooo! For all of you that don't know, this means he had 96 hours off over this weekend. Which means we actually get to spend time together! I'm surprised at how little quality time we actually get so it's always nice to have these hours together.
Today for Veteran's day we had lunch at Chili's where they were offering a free meal to active and retired military. It warms my heart that people care so much about our service men and women.
We reminisced about our time together last year and I actually got him to talk about the wedding!
I think I liked it better when he didn't have an opinion. (;
Be careful what you wish for!
The Marine Corps Ball is just around the corner and I'm so excited!
Can't wait to get all dressed up with my honey and admire those dress blues!
Thanksgiving is just around the corner and then it will be home for the holidays we go!
Can you believe it's already been a year since last Christmas? I certainly can't!
Although I love being able to spend the holiday's with my family, a part of me is excited for when we get to stay home with our own little family.
This also means I'll actually be able to decorate for Christmas!
Until then I'll just build up my collection.
Here's a little holiday decor that I am loving.
Because who doesn't love the holidays?!
I'm gonna have to work on something fancy for the chalkboard!
Can't forget the yum!

Click here for a link to this recipe!
Hope all of you are having a wonderful week!
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